This is how our story begins... There came the time when everyone needed to be counted.

There came a time when everyone needed to be counted. While this census was taking place the time arrived when a young woman would give birth. Whenever God wants to do something in the earth he allows a baby to be born. This special baby’s name was Jesus. He was given a special assignment that only He could fulfill. He would become the ultimate sacrifice. Sacrifice? Yes, this world had become so corrupt that the only thing that could reconcile us back to Father was a great sacrifice and Jesus became that sacrifice for all of us.

Yes it’s true, people are generally good. When God created us, he even said that we were good, but because of our own selfish desires we allowed sin and darkness to enter into our hearts. No of course sin didn’t begin with you. It began in an intimate garden called Eden where humans had a special and very close relationship with God. The first Man (Adam) and Woman (Eve) decided to disobey God even though they had everything they ever needed. Because of their disobedience we are all born into sin. You could say it’s inherited. However, because of their disobedience and our darkened hearts we needed a Savior so that we could become clean and reunited with Father God again like Adam and Eve were in the garden.

Jesus walked the earth for 33 years and performed many miraculous things such as healing deaf, mute, lame, and blind. He raise people from the dead, and He fed thousands of people when food was scarce, but His ultimate purpose was to show us that He was the way to be reconnected to Father God. He would die a gruesome death and become the ultimate sacrifice by being severely beaten and mistreated and then hung on a cross. They put nails in His hands and feet and even stabbed Him in his side until all the blood and water ran from His body. It was horrific! But, Thank God that’s not the end of the story. Once they took Him down from that cross they laid Him in a tomb. The good part is just about to begin. On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead. Yes He Did! The people who followed Him while He walked the earth went to the tomb to clean the body, but to their great surprise the stone that was in front of the tomb was rolled away. This was such a high profile case that guards were assigned to the tomb to make sure no one stole the body. That tomb is empty. Amazing!

That’s still not where the story ends. As a matter of fact, this story still continues. It continues with all of us. We have an enormous decision to make. Let’s learn from the past mistakes of Adam and Eve. Let’s choose to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and choose to obey God. He has left with us Holy Spirit who now lives in those who believe in Him. He wants us all to be a part of this amazing story. This is our story. Read more: Start at Genesis.

While coming home from a family vacation, the now, First Family, laughed as they began to imagine starting a church, but things quickly got serious when God began to speak to our visionary in the midnight hour about leading a people and starting a church. Where the family thought they were just having a fun conversation, God was actually planting seeds that would actually grow into what we now know as Judah Family Christian Center. God was speaking and had a serious work for our visionary and the people who would come under his care.

There were twelve people who were called together and they began to pray for one year then Judah Family Christian Center was born in 2003. Now Judah is 1 church in 3 locations: Washington, DC; Waterbury, CT; and now Charlotte, NC. When God wants to do something in the earth He causes a baby to be born. We welcome you to become a part of the story. It’s Time for YOU to be Counted.


ADDRESS: 2300 Allegheny Street, Charlotte, NC 28208

PHONE: (980) 318-9317

Copyright Judah Family Christian Center - Charlotte Campus 2025. Sponsored by Johnson C. Smith - CITIP Grant. Created by Power Up USA, LLC. All rights reserved.